Similar to the subtropical environment of the Southern Coastlands, Aliso Viejo has better average temperature than US average. The average temperature from Nov to Feb is high of 65 degrees and low of 57 degree, and the average temperature for Summer from May to Sep is high of 74 degrees and low of 63 degrees. However, Aliso Viejo the biggest problem for Aliso Viejo is the tornado activity. According to the Aliso Viejo city data, there were two tornado activity happened before in 1966 and 1982.
Aliso Viejo has 25 colleges and universities (such as Soka International University) within 30 miles and top ranked public and private schools near by the area, city has 31% population with bachelor's degree and higher compare to 17,1% California average.
As we know Southern Coastlands, specially Florida, is an area where a lot of people like to settle go there for their retirement, and the proportion of over 60 was estimate to be more than 22.2 percents. However, in Aliso Viejo the proportion of over 60 was estimate only 11 percents. Nevertheless, Aliso Viejo doesn't have any tourist attraction like Florida and other part of Southern Coastlands. The city is more focusing on education, high-skilled business, and opportunity for other people to settle their home with a better environment.